Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tips to Improve Your SEO Using Twitter

Some tips that you may consider while tweeting which will help in your SEO campaign.

Brand Name:

  • ·         Your brand name or username should reflect your site name or offered services as this is what will be mentioned and displayed as your network, re-tweeted your posts
  • ·         The more re-tweets your post get, the higher its significance.


  • ·         As a point of reference, put your website link on your profile page.
  • ·         The bio content is the information part of your Twitter. Maximize it and make it relevant to your website.
  • ·          Link that you display on your twitter profile, point it to a relevant page that will help with your conversions.


  • ·         Since Google is now displaying tweets in SERPs, despite no-follow, putting your links on your
  • ·         Posts will support your link building activities or has the potential of giving a wider web presence.
  • ·         Also, accompany your links with effective keywords.
  • ·         You can post your links several times or in interval in order to maximize possible keywords and contents, and exposure.

Hash Tags:

  • ·         Hash Tags is a Twitter feature that works like a Meta data for your tweets.
  • ·         Posts with “#” symbol like “#web” and “#development”. Hash Tags help organize tweets and determine the trending information in Twitter.


·         If you to mention users in Twitter you need to put a “@” symbol before their usernames.
·         More your account is re-tweeted, the higher your relevance. It is like voting policy. Hence, whenever you tweet, or Re-Tweet other users ensure to use the @symbol before their username.

Be a Help to Others:

  • ·         Re-tweeting, other relevant posts especially those that are of the same niche with yours will.
  • ·         Help you build your brand and promote your services.
  • ·         Also, as you re-tweet, you have been a help to others too, by giving your followers a good choice of links to view.

Tweet Interval:

  • ·         Do not post bulk of tweets at once as this will annoy your followers spread your tweets out over the day with a decent interval, about an hour or two intervals is good.

Blog Site:
  • ·         Promoting a blog site like your corporate one is a good option too.
  • ·         Blog sites can provide more information to your visitors and is the best place to interact with them.

Twitter Button:
  • ·         Twitter button is now a requirement to many websites. It is a great aid to share pages easier.

Build your online brand:

  • ·         An effective Twitter account does not just help in your SEO, but will build your online brand, and increase visibility of your company and brand, by building new connections.
  • ·         Optimizing your twitter account is optimizing your search engine visibility too.
  • ·         By managing it well, you will have a higher chance to create a bigger network, connect more to people and gain the exposure you need.